How to know if your employer has been paying your AFP

Are you sure that your employer has been paying your #AFP every month? Check it online through SONTUSLUCAS.CL You can see if there’s a month in which you worked, but there was no #AFP payment If there are months in which your employer didn’t pay it, you can make a claim You can follow the status […]

Temporary visa of opportunities

Aimed to foreigners seeking to work or to start a business in Chile. Valid for up to 12 months, period after which the applicant may choose to extend it for another 12 months or to apply for Permanent Residency. This visa can only be applied for outside Chile. A) FOR FOREIGNERS SEEKING TO WORK IN […]

New Immigration Act

The Ministry’s General Secretariat announced today that the government will present a total of 12 legislative urgencies this week to projects currently being processed within the Congress. Within the initiatives which will receive urgency is the new Immigration Act. The project was presented in year 2013 during the first government of Sebastián Piñera. The full […]

[VIDEO] What are the different types of temporary residence visas in Chile?

Find out what are the different types of temporary residence visas in Chile in the following video:  

Map: Extranjería branches in Chile

How to apply for a Chilean visa from overseas

If you are not in Chile and need to apply for a visa to enter to Chile as a tourist or as a temporary resident, you must do it online through the website of Consular Procedures Online of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile. Once there, click on the flags to switch the language. […]

What documents you need to bring your cat or dog to Chile

The owners of cats and dogs must present one of the following authorized official sanitary documents, according to the case: Zoosanitary Export Certificate issued in Chile: valid for 21 días from its issuance until the date of the pet’s re-entry to Chile.  Foreign Official Zoosanitary Certificate: valid for 10 days from its issuance until the date of […]

RUN, RUT, Carnet, Carné…What’s the difference?

RUN (“Rol Único Nacional”) It is the unique and unrepeatable identification number that every Chilean has, whether residing in Chile or not, as well as every foreigner remaining temporary or definitely in Chile (25.XXX.XXX – X). The organism in Chile in charge of granting the RUN (shown in the “cédula de identidad”) is the Civil Registry […]

How to show proof of funds

All foreigners applying for a visa in Chile, will have to show how are they going to maintain themselves comfortably while in the country, both while the visa is being processed and when it has been granted. To do so, foreigners have the following alternatives: 1. Apply for a work permit while the visa is being processed (“Permiso de […]