Se mantiene el cierre de fronteras terrestres y marítimas en Chile por 15 días más immichile 28 de marzo de 2021

Se mantiene el cierre de fronteras terrestres y marítimas en Chile por 15 días más, cumpliéndose un año desde la dictación del DS 102

El día de hoy, 12 de marzo de 2021, se publicó en el Diario Oficial el Decreto Supremo N° 71 de 2021 del Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública que extiende, por 15 días más, la vigencia del decreto Nº 102, de 2020, que dispone el cierre temporal de lugares habilitados para el ingreso y […]

The application for Permanent Residency will be made online from May

Last April 10, 2019, the Minister of the Interior and Public Safety, Andrés Chadwick; Undersecretary of the Interior, Rodrigo Ubilla, and the Chief of the Immigration Department (“Departamento de Extranjería y Migraición”), Álvaro Bellolio, presented a balance of the implementation of the Migration Policy promoted by the President Sebastián Piñera. On that occasion, the authorities […]

How to know if your employer has been paying your AFP

Are you sure that your employer has been paying your #AFP every month? Check it online through SONTUSLUCAS.CL You can see if there’s a month in which you worked, but there was no #AFP payment If there are months in which your employer didn’t pay it, you can make a claim You can follow the status […]

Temporary visa of opportunities

Aimed to foreigners seeking to work or to start a business in Chile. Valid for up to 12 months, period after which the applicant may choose to extend it for another 12 months or to apply for Permanent Residency. This visa can only be applied for outside Chile. A) FOR FOREIGNERS SEEKING TO WORK IN […]

New Immigration Act

The Ministry’s General Secretariat announced today that the government will present a total of 12 legislative urgencies this week to projects currently being processed within the Congress. Within the initiatives which will receive urgency is the new Immigration Act. The project was presented in year 2013 during the first government of Sebastián Piñera. The full […]

[VIDEO] What are the different types of temporary residence visas in Chile?

Find out what are the different types of temporary residence visas in Chile in the following video:  

Apply and collect your ID card on Saturdays

The office of the Civil Registry and Identification Service (“Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación”) located in Huérfanos 1570 (Santiago) will be open every Saturday of January and February between 9 and 13 hours. Only for those needing to apply for one and for those just needing to collect it.   Source: Servicio de Registro Civil e […]