The application for Permanent Residency will be made online from May
Last April 10, 2019, the Minister of the Interior and Public Safety, Andrés Chadwick; Undersecretary of the Interior, Rodrigo Ubilla, and the Chief of the Immigration Department (“Departamento de Extranjería y Migraición”), Álvaro Bellolio, presented a balance of the implementation of the Migration Policy promoted by the President Sebastián Piñera.
On that occasion, the authorities made present the increase of migrants in our country, which in 2018, came to be 1,251,225, and announced that starting from the month of May, the applications for Permanent Residency will be made online, which will allow to substantially reduce the processing times.
In order to do so, foreigners will only need to log in through the Immigration Department’s website using their ClaveÚnica, and by filling the form and attaching the correspondent documents.
Trial period for the Antofagasta and O'Higgins Regions
This option (online application) is already available for those living in the Antofagasta and Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins Regions. Therefore, if you are living in one of those two Regions you can apply for your Permanent Residency online, just by going to the Immigration Department website and by clicking on «Trámites en línea» and then «Solicitud de Permanencia Definitiva» (you must have a ClaveÚnica though – if you don’t have one already, read below):

How to obtain your ClaveÚnica?
1. Go to your nearest Civil Registry office or IPS/ChileAtiende and ask for your activation code
Find out where is the closest office to your location:
2. Then, you just need to activate your ClaveÚnica, using your activation code and RUN number on the following website:
Trámite de Permanencia Definitiva será completamente online:
Balance a un año de la implementación de la política migratoria del Presidente Sebastián Piñera:
Actualmente solo la Región de Antofagasta y Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins pueden hacer la postulación a la permanencia definitiva de forma online.
— Migraciones Chile (@DptoExtranjeria) April 15, 2019